Why Leaving is Hard ​But Necessary

I think leaving is so hard.

Why? Because at our deepest core, we really, really care about the people involved. Leaving a job, leaving a relationship, leaving a company, stepping down from a position, deciding to change career paths, etc…It’s tough.

The day I actually left my position at Beachbody in September 2017 was not the day I had decided to leave.

It’s true. Because when you actually take the step to leave, it’s usually been months, if not years, that you’ve been contemplating the decision.

So why do we ultimately decide to leave? Why do we go through the discomfort and disruption of life as we know it in order to try something new?

Well, 99% of the time it’s because our heart isn’t in it anymore.

Ok…so then why does it take us so long to actually make the move and physically leave?

Because our head (aka: our ego) is creating stories, fears and doubts about what it will be like when we leave, in an effort to protect us.

Just think, before you leave, all of these thoughts flood into your conscious mind:

  • How will I make money?
  • What will I do after I leave?
  • Will anyone ever love me the same way?
  • Will I be as successful as I was here at this place?
  • Will I actually be happier doing something new?
  • It sounds like a lot of work to start over.
  • I don’t think I have it in me to start fresh.
  • What if I can’t find anyone new to love me?
  • What if no one will hire me?
  • What if I hate my new job or my new boss?

In defense of the ego, all those thoughts are valid! Truly. I think it’s important to think those things through before making such a huge decision.

BUT, there is a fine line between working through those questions to find real answers and then using them as a crutch for years and years, living in fear of doing what you really want.

Your spirit, your soul, your inner guide, your higher self, your intuition, your connection to the Universe, your light, it will all be dimmed if you continue to diminish what your heart truly desires!

And when your light is stuffed deep within you, because you are too fearful to make the leap into something new, you never give yourself the opportunity or space to learn the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime.

Believe me, the leap is fucking scary. I’ve done it twice now. The second time was MUCH harder. There were a lot more people involved and they were hurt by my decision to leave. I will write more about that at some point when the time feels right <3


But here’s what I know…

When you leap, the net WILL appear. It may not appear immediately and you may be falling rapidly with big HOLY SHIT eyes, but enjoy the ride. Enjoy that wind in your face. This is your time to learn, grow and go inward! Gabby Bernstein says it best, The Universe Has Your Back!

Time Heals. You know that…I know that. Over the course of time, old hurts and resentments fade away as people realize nothing is ever personal. New lessons, opportunities, people, failures and successes are presented in our life to help us continue the journey.

Life is not all that serious. For real though! Just imagine life as a game of cards – it’s just a game! Have fun, enjoy it! Do you ever notice the people who are the happiest? They are the ones that have more fun and don’t take life too seriously. Not to mention, our souls are eternal and they live in many lifetimes and many dimensions (read more in Many Lives, Many Masters and Messages From the Masters by Brian Weiss) so we have many chances, many opportunities to learn, grown and play! So, enjoy this life.

You have a purpose and a mission to fulfill it and OWN IT. You have time to create and build your message. Not time to waste, but time to be intentional about your actions. Get clear on what you want, create a plan that makes you feel comfortable in achieving that plan and DO IT! You are here on the planet, in this lifetime for a unique reason, so it is time to let that shine!

People are doing the best they can with whatever they currently have. Trust that people have the best intentions in their heart. If you’ve been burned before, don’t use that experience to judge others. It holds you back from so much. Embrace that people are good and are doing the best they can at this moment based on their experiences. Honor them. And if they treat you badly, that is their karma to sort out, not yours.

It’s okay to leave. It may not be easy, but if it’s in your heart and you feel called to do it, DO IT! You don’t need the approval of anyone or anything to allow you to move in the direction of your soul’s purpose. You really don’t. Listen for the guidance within and use it as your compass along your path. If someone doesn’t agree with your decision to leave, that’s not your business, it’s theirs.

I think when you go through a major life shift, like leaving a job, a career or a long-term relationship, you have more grace for others because you’ve walked through the fear and you know how real it is.

You’ve also walked through the scrutiny and judgment from others and you never want to put that judgment on someone else. You have the unique ability to look at someone through a different lens than you might have seen them before. Taking the leap and leaving makes you a more open-minded person by default.

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Sarah Try

Sarah Try

I am a mixed media mosaic artist based in Sturgeon Bay, WI. I love using a range of materials for my creations including but never limited to glass, ceramic, gemstones, vintage beads, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, concrete, metal and magazine images.

My work is guided by the energies of the chakras, the energies of the divine feminine principles and by the energies of the cosmos. The macro, the micro and everything in between.

To me, it is all interconnected, all coming from Source. You will see in my work that I am very inspired by color gradients to create an ombre effect.

moonsails 16x16

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  1. Alisha Scott

    I love this so much. <3 Thank you for sharing and posting!!

    • Sarah

      You are so welcome! Thank you for the feedback Lish!!


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