How to Become a Better Writer

The way I see it… writing is a form of art. It’s a way to communicate your message with the outside world. As a creator and business owner, it is important to be able to share your ideas, strategies, teachings, and offerings with words. It’s not hard to become a better writer in the same way it’s not hard to lose weight. You have to first make up your mind, commit to the daily consistent work it takes to improve your skills and then celebrate yourself as you see the fruits of your labor paying off. Anyone can be a better writer, including you.

You don’t have to be naturally talented in writing to be a writer. 

When I was in third grade, at a new school, they decided I needed to be in a special reading and writing class. I was a slow reader and struggled at spelling. I still do to this day and oftentimes see signs of dyslexia. But still, I persist and carry on as the writer I know I am. 

Very few people are good when they start, so if you are telling yourself that you are no good at writing because it’s not a natural talent of yours, you are the one holding yourself back. Even with a natural talent, improving your writing takes massaging, practice, consistency and intention. 

Consistency trumps talent any day. 

I once heard that Kobe Bryant took 1000 shots on the court everyday. If you can show up everyday to write, there is no question you will begin to grow your skill of writing. Creating a consistent practice that is sustainable starts slow. 

Start by adding a 10 minute journal routine to your morning. Write with no expectation of what you are writing about. It’s possible that having a goal in mind for your writing is clogging your creative pipes. Try letting yourself write about any thoughts, ideas you have swirling in your head, without attempting to fit it into a box such as a social media post, a blog post or an email to your list. Write just to write. 

Talk to One Person. 

Whether you are telling a story or sharing how to do something, write as if you are speaking to one person. Another way to look at it…avoid addressing your reader as a group. It’s much easier for a reader to detach themselves from what you are communicating when you talk to a group. Avoid using words and phrases like ‘everyone’, ‘all of you’, ‘you guys’. 

Before you start writing, take a moment to close your eyes and see your reader in your mind’s eye. What do they need to know? How would you like them to feel after reading what you wrote? And is there anything specific you want them to do or takeaway from this? When you visualize this one reader, it will be easier to write directly to her or him. 

Know your audience. 

In order for the above exercise [visualizing your reader] to be successful, you do have to have some sort of idea about who you serve and how you serve them. So who do you serve and how do you serve them? If this is not clear, it may be tough to write and you may find yourself feeling stuck, with writer’s block. If you often find yourself stuck with nothing to write, read more on how to work through writer’s block here

However, it could be the case that you are either just starting your business, transitioning your business, or just seeing if writing more is something you want to do. In any of these cases, you may not have a defined audience. That’s ok. I don’t believe not knowing your audience will stop you from improving your writing skills. What I do believe and have experienced is that when you know your audience, your writer is more clear and speaks right to the heart of your intended reader. 

Start a Blog. 

Blogging is a great way to get yourself into a routine of writing, while building a collection of your work. Blogging (when done right) also attracts new clients to your business through SEO, so it’s truly a win-win-win. 

Start by committing to X number of blogs per week or month and see how your writing improves. I recommend starting with one per week. Once it’s published, you can repurpose bits of the content onto other platforms directing your audience to read more on your blog. 

Find a system that works for your writing style and your lifestyle. 

You want to make sure you have a container to do this work. Without a container, the river overflows. Without discipline and structure, it will be difficult to improve your writing skills. 

If you need a very structured plan to thrive, then make yourself a plan on how you will write more everyday. If you’re more fluid in your workflow and don’t love a sticky plan, then your system won’t be as ridgid. Once you create your system, give it a go for about a month or two. If it’s not working for you after you’ve committed to it for at least 30 days, then switch a few things up. 

Writing is for everyone. 

Don’t let the stories of the past haunt how you show up today, in the present. If you have a desire to write more, listen to that desire! Yes, it may be hard to learn this new skill and get good at it. But I promise that learning how to write will serve you in many ways – more ways than you even know. 

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Sarah Try

Sarah Try

I am a mixed media mosaic artist based in Sturgeon Bay, WI. I love using a range of materials for my creations including but never limited to glass, ceramic, gemstones, vintage beads, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, concrete, metal and magazine images.

My work is guided by the energies of the chakras, the energies of the divine feminine principles and by the energies of the cosmos. The macro, the micro and everything in between.

To me, it is all interconnected, all coming from Source. You will see in my work that I am very inspired by color gradients to create an ombre effect.

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