Marketing is an Evolution

At the core, marketing is a reflection of your deepest passions and beliefs. It represents who you are. And because you are constantly growing, evolving, and changing as a person, your marketing must follow suit. In short, your marketing strategy is an evolution, just...

Start Your Email List TODAY! (in 3 simple steps)

You’ve been hearing the advice about building an email list for years now. It’s still good advice and I’d tell you the same thing. So today, I am going to show you how to actually start an email list with 3 simple steps. I am keeping this super easy, so you can...

9 Reasons You Must Scale Your Business

Look, I know it may not feel like it, but scaling is the most soulful thing you can do for your business. Why? Because it allows your business to continue growing without more effort from you. Eventually, your effort will be at a very sustainable level… imagine 20-25...

Why Leaving is Hard ​But Necessary

I think leaving is so hard. Why? Because at our deepest core, we really, really care about the people involved. Leaving a job, leaving a relationship, leaving a company, stepping down from a position, deciding to change career paths, etc…It’s tough. The day I...
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