How to Create a Content Plan

Have you ever stopped to think about what the person on the other end of your post feels when they read what you put out there?

Today, I’m inspired to talk about content creation. I’m no expert, but I have certainly had a lot of practice creating content. So, here’s my best advice for creating a content plan.

✨Your Content Has Energy ✨

Your audience can feel whatever you are feeling at the time you are writing your content. And in my opinion, that’s a really good thing! As influencers, we have the ability to create an emotional response with our audience. Emotions and vulnerability are not a sign of weakness (a limiting belief I am working to let go of), they are everything to our followers. Emotions – happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, doubt – they all make us REAL, so don’t be afraid to go there.

The ability to put energy into your content is a good thing unless the writing process is rushed or forced. Posting just to post, even though you don’t feel like it, or telling your kids, “Give me one second! Mommy has to finish this post!” will not yield the kind of emotional response you are looking for from your audience when it feels forced or rushed.

We’ve all been there.  The life of an entrepreneur asks us to wear many hats and it is a struggle to balance it all.

That’s exactly why you need a content plan! ????

So let’s dive in…

When you can put together a legit plan for your content, you will start to truly create magic within your business. Why??

Because with a plan, you start to see your business from a strategic standpoint, from a bird’s-eye view.

You can see how this week’s content is leading into next week’s, which is then building towards the offer you are gonna make in week 3. It’s strategic, and it flows. When you wing it, nothing feels congruent. Nothing flows. It is rushed, and your audience can feel that.

Here’s a plan of action to start putting some intention behind the content you publish:

STEP 1: What are you promoting in the next 6-12 weeks?? When I say promoting, I mean what are you offering/selling?

STEP 2: What does your audience need to know or understand before they buy what you are offering?

STEP 3: Decide on how much you want to post each week and start filling in the following categories:

  • Promotion 20%
  • Content 30%
  • Personal 20%
  • Inspiration 15%
  • Ask a Question 15%

Example: If I wanted to post 2 times per day, that is 14 times per week. So that means Promotion: 3 posts, Content: 4 posts, Personal: 3 posts, Inspiration: 2 posts, Questions: 2 posts.

STEP 4: Batch your content. I write all my content during my inner phase, which is the week in our cycle when we are most creative. The content I write is for the next 30 days – emails, social, blog, sales pages, landing pages, video scripts.

Before I sit down to write my content I set an intention by asking myself 3 crucial questions:

  1. How do I want my audience to feel?
  2. What do I want my audience to know?

The third is revealed in my Content Creation workbook. (see below)

STEP 5: Repurpose Content. One little secret for repurposing my content is having my videos transcribed at I also go through old content to see what did really well (using FB Insights, email open and click rates, etc.) and re-use that.

STEP 6: Share other people’s content! It doesn’t all have to come from you!!

One other piece of advice… there are MANY places to put content, so it can feel very overwhelming. Start with the main place you really love sharing content. For me, that’s my Friday emails, which I am now calling The Soulful Business Beat. I build out the content for my emails for 2 months in advance and use that content to guide what I share in other places, like FB, IG, my blog or in my videos. Start with one platform where you share the most authentically, plan that content, then branch it out to other platforms!

As always, please comment if this resonated with you!

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Sarah Try

Sarah Try

I am a mixed media mosaic artist based in Sturgeon Bay, WI. I love using a range of materials for my creations including but never limited to glass, ceramic, gemstones, vintage beads, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, concrete, metal and magazine images.

My work is guided by the energies of the chakras, the energies of the divine feminine principles and by the energies of the cosmos. The macro, the micro and everything in between.

To me, it is all interconnected, all coming from Source. You will see in my work that I am very inspired by color gradients to create an ombre effect.

moonsails 16x16

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