Tapping into Your Sacred Purpose

INAUTHENTICITY NO LONGER HAS A PLACE ???? ✨ We are entering into a new age, an age where anything inauthentic no longer has a place – it can no longer survive. As we are waking up as a collective, we are letting go of things, people, situations, jobs,...

Why Leaving is Hard ​But Necessary

I think leaving is so hard. Why? Because at our deepest core, we really, really care about the people involved. Leaving a job, leaving a relationship, leaving a company, stepping down from a position, deciding to change career paths, etc…It’s tough. The day I...

This Is Not A Race

This is not a race. There is never any reason to feel rushed or behind. When energies of agitation or suffocation start creeping in, take some deep breaths. It will bring you back into alignment. I found myself feeling very suffocated this afternoon. I had SO much to...
A More Soulful Business

A More Soulful Business

As business owners, we find ourselves DOING all the time. There is always so. much. to. do. And here’s the thing: Doing and working are important! It’s how your business moves forward. But I know for some of you, there is something inside begging for more. When you...

How to Effectively Plan Your Day

Do you work from home? Or do you aspire to live that “laptop lifestyle?” No matter how wonderful it all sounds, working from home does come with a lot of distractions: laundry, cleaning, making food, taking care of the dogs, helping hubby get ready to leave for...
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